Radical Liberals are gift that keeps on giving to Donald Trump & GOP


President Donald Trump. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)
President Donald Trump. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)
By Wayne Allyn Root Review-Journal

I have written so many columns detailing the radical views and mental derangement of liberals. It’s hard to believe, but it’s getting worse.

Cynthia Nixon, a liberal candidate for New York governor and former star of “Sex and the City,” just went a step further into crazy land. She tweeted that “ICE is a terrorist organization and its egomaniacal leader is Donald Trump.”

Well, at least it’s all now out into the open. Liberals support illegal alien criminals and think ICE agents who protect our border, shield us from terrorism and save women and children from kidnappers, rapists and murderers are “terrorists.”

Good luck in the midterms with radical, insane views such as this.

In Boston, liberal City Council members are considering giving noncitizens (including DACA recipients) voting rights. It turns out there are 190,000 noncitizen residents in Boston. That’s nearly 28 percent of the city’s population. These “noncitizens” include visa holders. Liberals think the vote of a visa holder, in America temporarily, should cancel out your vote.

Good luck in the midterms with radical, insane views such as this.


Entry #645


Avatar eddessaknight -
I remember when Democrats and liberals were sane. They said things like, “No one likes abortion. We want to keep abortions legal, but limited.” Remember that?

Now liberals chant “God bless abortion.” Not only is that disgusting, but think about the hypocrisy. According to liberals, separation of children from a criminal parent for a few months is so heinous it is Hitleresque. But separation of an innocent child from a parent for eternity through barbaric methods such as partial-birth abortion is “blessed by God.”

Avatar lejardin -
What IS in the water these nutjobs are drinking?

Excellent point on abortion Eddessaknight. Barbaric methods as partial birth and late term abortions makes me sick to my stomach just thinking of the visual, talk about inhumane.
Avatar MADDOG10 -
I'm hoping these Lunatics move to California, and it splits from the Mainland along with Pelosi , Waters & Brown's agenda of Lunacy.
All this collaboration about separation now, and when obama was bending over and kissing A$$e$, not one word was uttered, imagine.

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