Possible Fraud Scheme


The Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) is a partnership between the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the National White Collar Crime Center (NW3C).


Date:8/28/2006 6:51:46 AM Eastern Standard Time
Sent from the Internet (Details)


I am David Palmer, staff of SMITH & WILLIAMSON Private Banking.I am contacting you

concerning one the deceased, customer and an investment he placed under our banks

management three years ago.I would respectfully request that you keep the contents

Please,again, note I am a family man, I have a wife and children. I

send you this mail not without a measure of fear as to what the consequences, but I

know within me that nothing ventured is nothing gained and that success and riches

never come easy or on a platter of gold.This is the one truth I have learned from

my private banking clients. Do not betray my confidence.

Kindly send your response to my private email address: d_palmer700uk@yahoo.co.uk

Entry #188


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