Coin Toss's Blog

Another David Howrowitz Book

Final Battle,  by David Horowitz, exposes the real threat that Democrats pose to freedom. The rise of socialism and critical race theory, coupled with threats to the Electoral College and Senate, an independent judiciary, and the integrity of the electoral system, now threaten to destroy the traditions that bring Americans together — the heart of our democracy. 

Attacks on these quintessentially American customs codified by the Founding Fathers undermine the possibility of bipartisan solutions to common problems like viral pandemics and civil disorders. Americans now speak in different and antagonistic political languages, and the two parties are so polarized that the American way of life itself is at risk.



Too bad some here are blind yo all this and  gladly listen to and follow the ledt.

And I'm sure at least three of them will criricize this in another blog.

Personally I don't wanr ro live in a socialist or communist country because others ler people fool them.

Entry #823

The war on Christians - David Horowitz

Friend, if you were a Christian that wanted to attend worship service in 2020, government officials treated you like a terrorist.

If you were a criminal that assaulted innocent people, burned buildings to the ground and ransacked every business in your path, Leftists handed you the keys to the city.

I’ll never forget what they did over the last two years – because they want to do it again.

They pretended it was about safety, but we both know that was a lie.

It was about control.

It was about their agenda.

And it was about their decades-in-the-making war on Christian America.

No matter what you believe or who you worship, this is your fight.

You see, the radical Left is doing everything in their power to rip Christianity from our culture, because that’s where our freedoms, our rights, our liberties -- the values that have defined our nation -- came from.

I explain this at length in Dark Agenda: The War to Destroy Christian America.

Dark Agenda: The War to Destroy Christian America

By now, you know my story. I’m not a Christian and I never have been.

I spent decades entrenched in the radical Left before I saw them for who they really were.

And I know the reason Leftist politicians hunted down churchgoers like enemies of the state while violent criminals roamed free over the last two years.

It wasn’t negligence, coincidence, or incompetence.

They want to tear Christianity and religion from our country because they want to replace God with government.

They want you answering to the State and the State only.

And they know if they can strip America’s religious foundation, they can finally shred our Constitution and destroy the institutions that made us who we are.

But this war is far from over, and I need you on my side.

I founded the Freedom Center because I was determined to expose everything I’d learned about the radical Left in the hopes that I could stop them in their tracks.

Since then we’ve published thousands of articles, pamphlets, books and profiles – and we’ve changed hearts, minds and outcomes.

The Left comes after us time and time again because they know just how effective we are.

We’ve been targeted by MasterCard, Discover Card, the Ways and Means Committee, and many more.

But we won’t back down – no matter who comes after us.

Because there is no nonprofit with a history like ours -- or more importantly, a knowledge like ours.

There is no nonprofit with our expertise or understanding of the Left and its motives, or the track record we have to back it up.


Karl Marx said it himself: communism begins where atheism begins.

Simply put, without Christianity, we have no country, and we have no future.

But too many of our fellow citizens don’t understand what’s at stake, or exactly what we’re up against.



David Horowitz

Entry #822

Biden is not a war time president

Ukraine Wants New Powerful Weapons From the U.S. Biden Is Not So Sure.

Ukraine Wants New Powerful Weapons From the U.S. Biden Is Not So Sure. (

WASHINGTON — Flush with success in northeast Ukraine, President Volodymyr Zelensky is pressing President Biden for a new and more powerful weapon: a missile system with a range of 190 miles, which could reach far into Russian territory.

Mr. Zelensky insists to U.S. officials that he has no intention of striking Russian cities or aiming at civilian targets, even though President Vladimir V. Putin’s forces have hit apartment blocks, theaters and hospitals in Ukraine throughout the war. The weapon, Mr. Zelensky says, is critical to launching a wider counteroffensive, perhaps early next year.

Mr. Biden is resisting, in part because he is convinced that over the past seven months, he has successfully signaled to Mr. Putin that he does not want a broader war with the Russians — he just wants them to get out of Ukraine.


Sure Biden, put your wants over the fate of another country.  Then if the Russians pull out you'll take credit for it.

Entry #821

Why all the support for Biden?

Why all the support for Biden?

Support Biden and trash Trump seems to be a mantra here.

Nice try Biden supporters.

Let's see;

Biden gets elected in November of 2020. 

In August of 2021 he pulls the US armed forces out of Afghanistan, getting another 13 killed to the 2400+ already KIAs. He also unknowingly send a message to non industrialized countries that may someday look for hep "You can forget the Americans, they'll just abandon you".

Then as Russia invades Ukraine at first while Ukraine asks for help all Biden does is talk. 

On the anniversary of DD Day he doesn't even mention it but does point out the the UN marks June 8th as World Ocean Day.

This is the guy you look up to?

Entry #820

Liberals won't get this

Gary Schroen died last week

You probably won’t recognize the name Gary Schroen.

But he’s a true American hero who passed away last week.

Schroen is a former CIA officer who was sent to hunt down Osama Bin Laden right after the September 11th attacks.

The following famous words were said to him in CIA Headquarters by his boss…

  “Capture Bin Laden, kill him, and bring his head back in a box on dry ice."

Schroen and a small team of CIA were the very first Americans who went into Afghanistan.

This team had zero backup.

They had some satellite phones.

Plus, they had about $6 million in cash to grease whatever palms they needed to.

Schroen was able to make contact with allies and to make it safe for the military to come in and start bombing the living daylights out of the terrorists.

The reason Schroen was so successful was because he was a former CIA station chief in both Afghanistan and Pakistan.

He was able to make all the right connections to get the US what they needed in the country.

The funny thing is…

When Schroen was called into his boss’s office at CIA headquarters he was 59-years-old and had just started the retirement transition program.

But he was a true patriot who wanted to serve his country, so he put off retirement and risked his life to go into Afghanistan to hunt Bin Laden.

The fact is, we need more Gary Schroen’s in this world – people who truly love America and love freedom and are willing to put their life on the line when called to do it.

However, in the very selfish world that we live in, there are fewer and fewer people who truly care about freedom and that weighs heavily on my mind.

Hopefully, you might pass this info on about Gary to other’s you know, so he can be remembered and it might spark more patriotism in this great nation of ours.

Stay safe,

Jason Hanson

Former CIA Officer

Editor, Spy & Survival Briefing

Editor, Black Bag Confidential

Entry #816

Ronda Rousey loses!

Granted it's pro wrestling but guess who said she's never lose!

Wrestling fans had thought it was a foregone conclusion that Ronda Rousey would recapture the SmackDown Women's title against Liv Morgan at Saturday's WWE Summerslam after losing to Morgan at Money in the Bank earlier in July.

But Morgan surprised everyone by defeating Rousey for the second time in four weeks to remain the champion. The finish didn't come without controversy, though.

Rousey controlled the entire match, working for the armbar with Morgan finding a way to escape. The former UFC women's bantamweight champion locked in a triangle armbar. The referee was looking at the shoulders of Rousey, and counted to three. What he didn't see was Morgan tapped out before the three count. 

Rousey was upset and put the armbar once again on Morgan. Then after WWE officials pulled her off, Rousey gave the referee an armbar for good measure. 

Ronda Rousey loses in controversial fashion at WWE Summerslam 2022 (

Entry #815

Commander in Chief?

Today was the second year in a row that Biden made no mention whatsoever of D Day but one worlder Biden did mention this;

By:  Bill Wellock  | Published:  June 6, 2022

The United Nations marks June 8 as World Oceans Day, an opportunity to celebrate the ocean and how it supports life on Earth.


So for all the Trump haters and Biden supporters here WAKE UP.

Entry #813

June 2

Lou Gehrig Day

Within hours of his diagnosis with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Pete Frates hung a plaque featuring the legendary Lou Gehrig above his bedroom door frame. For as long as he could, before what is known as Lou Gehrig’s Disease robbed him of the ability, Frates would leap and slap that plaque, Notre Dame-style, each time he’d leave the room.

That’s the fighting spirit Gehrig continues to instill in ALS patients, 82 years after his diagnosis and 80 years after his death. And it is for that reason that “The Iron Horse” will be honored Wednesday, on the inaugural Lou Gehrig Day across Major League Baseball.


Lou Gehrig Day June 2nd 2021 details (

Entry #812

White House won't call Bucha killings genocide

It's not only the Russians that pimp our disinformatzy, disinformation;

White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan on Monday stopped short of calling the killings in Bucha, Ukraine, a genocide.

Images showing civilian bodies in the streets of Bucha, a suburb of the capital city of Kyiv, have sparked international outrage since this past weekend. Earlier Monday, President  Joe Biden  called the reports of numerous dead—as many as 300, according to Bucha's mayor—"outrageous" and  reiterated his belief that Vladimir Putin is a war criminal.

White House Breaks With Zelensky, Isn't Calling Bucha Killings 'Genocide' (

Entry #811

You know who ## strikes again

What weapons do nuclear submarines have?

Each sub carries up to eight missiles on board, and each missile carries  up to five nuclear bombs  – or warheads – on top. Each of these bombs is around eight times as destructive as the bomb which flattened Hiroshima in 1945, killing over 140,000 civilians. One Trident submarine patrols the seas at all times.

How Many Nukes Does A Submarine Carry (


LPs minister of disinformation doesn't know 1/8th of what he think about nuclear submarines

Deal in facts or shut up.

Or are you going to share your information about the game of Faro........remember when you thought you had me when you let is all know Faro was played at the Bongo Palace, not Palace Station ?Guess what Vegas casino changed its name from Bingo Palace to Palace Station, owned by the same family the same time.And Mr Kmow It All you never did tell us how many chips a $200 buy in gets on a Fatp0 table.

And when you told us you were with the "3rd Brigade" cowering in some mountain cave in Viet Nam? At the time the Army was still under ROAD, reorganization of Army Divisions..........each division had 3 brigades (sometimes more) and only someone talking to someone within the same division would only say 3rd Brigade, they would say "I was with the 3rd Brigade of the Big Red One or the 25th Division, etc.....You obviously got your 3rd Brigade out os someone else's war novel.

Your constant attempts to bash Trump only reveal the real you.

Gulf Foxtrot Uniform. Out.

Entry #810

This is no surprise, from a former CIA officer

poll: more Republicans would stay and fight than Dems

A university conducted a poll showing the most obvious results in the world…

If Russia invaded the US and we were in the same position as Ukraine, more Republicans would stay and fight for our country versus Democrats.

Like I said, those results are pretty darn obvious.

Think about it this way…

Who cares more about freedom?

Who owns all the guns?

Who is more likely to be in the military and law enforcement?


When I was with the CIA, I’d guess about 95% of the people I worked with were good, conservative Republicans.

And the other 5% of people were the typical, hypocrite Democrats…

Meaning, it was okay for them to have guns because of how well trained they were, but not okay for regular folks to have guns.

You and I both know that if we were in the same position as Ukraine…

Liberal men would be flowing over the borders to Canada and Mexico as fast as their skinny jeans would take them.

And the real men of this country would stay and defend it.

It’s unfortunately, the sad truth.

Obviously, I pray that we here in the US never find ourselves in such a position.

But I am grateful to know a significant number of people who would stay and fight for this country.

Would you be one of them?

I talked to some younger kids (in their 20s) about this and they were all gung-ho and said they would fight.

But when bullets start flying over your head and all around you, that’s when you find out what you’re truly committed to.

I love this country and I love our freedoms and I would be willing to die for them.

I hope it doesn’t come to that because I enjoy my life. But I made a commitment years ago that I would defend freedom.

It’s a personal decision every person needs to think about, so I hope folks spend some time in deep thought about this.

Stay safe,

Jason Hanson

Former CIA Officer

Editor, Spy & Survival Briefing

Editor, Black Bag Confidential

Entry #809

Not so funny story about socialism

Here’s a “hypothetical” story for you.

Years ago, there was a rinky-dink country that was socialist.

This country was a dump and socialism was absolutely destroying it.

The US government was trying to take down a terrorist in this country, and so, it had to work with one of the socialist leaders.

The operative who was working closely with this socialist leader once asked him about socialism and said something along the lines of…

“Don’t you care that it doesn’t work and that it’s hurting your country?”

Guess what this socialist leader said?

He said (and I’m paraphrasing)…

“Of course, I know socialism doesn’t work.

  Everyone knows that socialism doesn’t work, except if you’re at the top. And I’m in the government at the top and it works well for me.”

Well, I guess, at least for once, the guy was honest.

The funny thing is, this is not the first socialist leader who’s said something similar behind closed doors.

They know it doesn’t work.

But they know they can get votes from it and that they’ll be able to live fat and happy off their government paycheck.

However, as Margaret Thatcher famously said…

“The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money.”

With spending in this country skyrocketing, it’s important to keep an eye on the ball and invest in tangible assets that hold value.

I mentioned earlier this week that I’m looking for farmland.

But, there’s also gold, silver, ammo and guns that are good tangible assets that you can hold in your hand.

When it comes to guns, don’t forget about pre-1899 guns (like the Swedish Mauser) that you don’t have to register and are legally and completely off the books.

I’ve got to run now, but I’m on a mission to stop socialism.

Stay safe,

Jason Hanson

Former CIA Officer

Editor, Spy & Survival Briefing

Editor, Black Bag Confidential

Entry #808