Weapons Of Mass Migration


Entry #794


Avatar lakerben -
Your hero convinced his idiot cohorts to stop the bill recently.
Avatar grwurston -
Let me explain how it works because the fake news won't tell you. A bill is proposed. Each side has things on it they have to have and things they can live without. If one side won't give the other side their must have, then there is no deal. The D's must have was Ukraine funding. The R's must have was full border closure. The R's said we'll give you the funding, if you close the border all the way. The D's said we'll close it halfway. The R's said no deal. The R's were willing to work with the D's but the D's won't work with the R's. The D's want to take, but they don't want to give. It's on them.
Oh and btw, Biden doesn't need a bill to close the border. He can do it anytime he wants with an executive order. That's what he used to open it when he first took office. Don't believe me look it up yourself. Now he wants to close it. The problem is, he's 3 years too late.

Watch this clip and pay attention to what Biden was saying Nov 27, 2006. Then listen to what he was saying now. The man is a born liar. He flip flops and panders to whoever he is speaking to that particular day.
Avatar CDanaT -
GR...thanks for the explanation and dumbing it down to the Jr H.S. level so some could understand.... Just remember, they hate 45 to the Nth degree, so explaining situations and backing them up with facts, will not settle well. It most likely cause TDS and the usual " But Trump" reply....
Avatar lakerben -
Fake news.
Mt trump said the Mexicans would pay for the wall. It didn't happen.  All talk from him. And there is a sucker born every minute. He sells his shoes and bibles to all the suckers. He probably tells Melania my followers will believe anything!
Avatar grwurston -
You were right again CD. They always claim, more BS or fake news, but I can't help but notice how they NEVER have any evidence to back up what they claim or to dispute what we say. They just make up some off the wall stuff and that's it.
Avatar grwurston -
LB, When Trump had his remain in Mexico policy which had the illegals remain in Mexico until they were fully vetted before they were let into the US, who do you think was paying to feed and shelter them in Mexico? Hint. It wasn't the U.S.
But now with Biden, RIM is gone and the US border patrol can only hold them for 3 days and then here they come. Not a lot of time to vet them especially when they have no IDs because they throw them away as soon as they cross into the US. And then they get debit cards, free housing, free food, free health care courtesy of the US taxpayer. That means you and me. All thanks to Biden and Mayorkas.
That reminds me, remember when Obamacare came out and if people didn't sign up for it they would be penalized (taxed) for not having health insurance. Now they give it to the illegals for free and the US citizens still get penalized (taxed), by us having to pay for their insurance.
Maybe you should watch the documentaries I posted and learn what is going on at the border. Then you'll know more than our favorite border czar.
Avatar lakerben -
The president of Mexico recently said the US has to meet his demands or the illegals will keep coming.  Trump didn't back his big mouth and the border wasn't secured.    Mexico wants to dictate how many already here and the ones in the future will be allowed citizenship.  That's it.  No bs,no gold tennis shoes.
Avatar lakerben -
It doesn't matter who is in either Biden or trump. Mexico has the upper hand.  We build walls they dig under and crawl over the walls. Until the US meets all their demands the illegals won't stop coming.
Avatar grwurston -
Since when do we have to meet Mexico's demands? What exactly are these demands? Tell us.
The president of Mexico said that because he knows Biden is weak. It's like when Biden says, "Don't."  And the other guy says, "Or what?" And then does it.  So then what is Biden gonna do.



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