konane's Blog

Australia's billion dollar coronavirus vaccine is SCRAPPED after trial participants returned HIV fal

Australia's billion dollar coronavirus vaccine is SCRAPPED after trial participants returned HIV false positives - causing order for 51million doses of the home-grown jab to be terminated

  • University of Queensland has abruptly ended its trials for coronavirus vaccine 
  • The Australian government had secured a $1billion deal for 51 million doses
  • Deal was scrapped after participants returned false positive HIV test results
  • Government has urgently secured doses of other vaccines in development
  • Fears vaccine mishap would undermine confidence in immunisation roll-out 


Entry #7,864

Justin Trudeau invited China's People's Liberation Army to train troops in Canada, according to top

You decide.

Justin Trudeau invited China's People's Liberation Army to train troops in Canada, according to top secret documents published by Canadian conservative news site which claims 'they were sending spies not just soldiers to train'



SECRET MILITARY DOCUMENTS: Trudeau invited Chinese troops to train at Canadian military bases


Entry #7,857

Is The Globalist "Reset" Failing? The Elites May Have Overplayed Their Hand

Long article, good read. You decide.

Interesting new word 'narcopath.'

Is The Globalist "Reset" Failing? The Elites May Have Overplayed Their Hand

One aspect of narcopaths (narcissistic sociopaths) that is important to remember is that  they live in their own little world in which their desires and bizarre dysfunctions are normalized. They believe themselves superior to most people because they are predatory, and don’t suffer from annoying hang-ups like empathy and conscience. They generally tend to believe they have pulled the wool over everyone’s eyes the majority of the time.  They think that you are a submissive idiot, and that when they bark an order, you will simply jump to attention because you “believe”.


Entry #7,854